CERES Certification
Growing and processing of the Orthodox and Green tea are certified to regulations European Commission 834/2007 , 889/2008 and under the US National Organic Program 7 CFR part 205 issued by CERES.View Certificate
Organic Green Tea Organic Orthodox Tea
Growing Organic Tea
The Tea is grown organically under a bio-diverse range of forest trees and ground cover in the estate unlike conventional tea production which relies heavily on the use of agro-chemicals.These chemicals have been linked to many different human diseases such as cancer and suppressed immune responses.
Organic Green Tea
The tea is processed using traditional Chinese smallholder techniques learnt directly from working with Chinese farmers in Yunnan Province. The leaf is hand plucked, only the young growing tip and two leaves are selected, processed and packed the same day
The Chinese have known about the health benefits of Green Tea for thousands of years, and recent scientific research has shown that it lowers cholesterol and a compound in green tea inhibits cancer cell growth. Traditionally, in China, the leaves are applied to a cup or glass and boiled water is added. The leaves first float and then sink, unfurling after a short time. The glass can be recharged up to three times with boiled hot water before replacing the leaves.

Organic Orthodox Black Tea
Orthodox tea refers to where the tea is gently rolled rather than the CTC tea where the leaf is torn and crushed into small pieces.The rolling system allows the tea to maintain all its natural goodness.
Benefits Of Organic Orthodox Tea
High in Antioxidants when compared to CTC tea which loses its antioxidant quality due to crushing of leaves in the processing. These Antioxidants help destroy damaged cells which make you look and feel healthier, they also reduce the chances of a huge number of diseases including cancer.

Contact for Orders and Enquiries
Kampala and Exports
Nancy Nakiboneka: +256 772 667144 ,+256 701 051408 e-mail: nancykahangi@gmail.com
Kampala and Jinja
Haifa Khiden: +256 782 304903 , +256 702 304903 e-mail: haifkhid@gmail.com
Fort Portal & Kasese
Christine Kangume +256 772 429763 , +256 704 231163